
By Instography


It's nice that the kids have reached an age that they can get up, go downstairs and amuse themselves without killing each other. That way we can have a lie in and get over the jetlag (her) and drunkenness (me). So we bounced tiggerishly out of bed and set to the day's inactivity. Nothing of any note was accomplished. Some skoodling (that inbetween stage of sketching and doodling), some sausages and egg, coffee, etc.

What with parents popping their clogs all of the place, Ewan's been gathering up his grandparents' memoribilia of him and his sister and been seeing the old family photos getting scanned. He's been quite taken with the little photo books that I made of him and then of him and Ellen. He's been going through the old Aperture libraries making a book of himself for the inbetween years - 2007-2010 - that aren't in books. So we spent hours in the cold, dingy "office" reminiscing.

Then we went to Ikea and I got a new chair. It looks absurd but comfy. It has a head rest and tilts back to exactly the right angle for deep concentration. Aye.

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