Guardian of the Fawn

guardian of the fawn
brightest of the flame
awaken us at dawn o
exalted! hear your name

come glinting in the hearth
kohl lashes lined with soot
steel flint omega arches
fleet mare so light of foot

milk flecked o’er the mouth
skin tight sweet lipped foam
suckled at the reddening
ears, corners of your cloak

glistening by a winch above
the veiled amnion of well
hold us, head neath water,
that we might breathe again

stay winter: light the torch
in dark where life is forged

in the belly; draw breath —
draw rein
i mbolc, an invocation
By Nidhi Zak/Aria Eipe

A trip into Cork city to deliver Himself for an eye examination. I was duty driver. He was gone a good hour and half so I had an explore around the banks of the river Lee and then higher up beyond the old gaol. Cork has two large rivers and is surprisingly hilly, full of intriguing quarters. I rather liked the graffitied St Bridget at least I think it's St Bridget  and a neat segue as it's just been announced that as from next year we get a bank holiday to celebrate her feast day, 1 February. 
The colours along the Lee were magnificent and I was also seduced by the smattering of leaves on a mosaic I spotted. We rendezvoused at the café in FitzGerald Park and I had another enormous sough dough sandwich - there must be a thing going on.That's enough excitement for one day. And no fireworks here.

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