Yin and Yang

Phase 1 Day 8. And just like that, one week in this phase has been done and dusted. Already did the outdoor workout and the reading as I write this. Though there have been moments where self-doubt start, I am glad to have overcome them and pushed through days where I was not that motivated. Something is always better than nothing, Jordan Syatt preaches and it is ideal to be at least 80 percent consistent to reach your goals. However, in 75Hard, there is no compromise or even an acceptable level. It is binary in a sense wherein you either did the task or did not.
Might have blipped a part of our garden before and there might be more blippable photos later but I find it is best to compose and post during the "unhurried" time of day where I am more spontaneous and not over thinking.
Timehop has shown me several interesting photos which made me reflect of my past self: thinking, behaviour and drive. Before, I was easily offended and really had a difficult time dealing with the realities within the local photography business. Now, I have learned to give less f*cks, to delegate and to focus most of my energy delving into investing in myself instead.
Thanks for stopping by and may your day have a little bit of sunshine too. :)

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