Window in the Weather

It's good to have Forrest now dragging me out for runs. I felt tired this morning. I'd most likely have blagged it off if left to my own devices. The weather prospects looked awful as we set off. After 4 miles of running into a very strong wind, we went our separate ways at the far end of the moor. Forrest dropped down to Addingham to return via the other side of the valley for a 16 miler. I looped through the forest and back over the top of the moor for a shorter run, successfully managing to trespass through a shoot in the process - without being fired upon, thankfully. To be fair, the men with guns were actually good-humoured about it. I knew it was private but it's the first time I've ever been stopped there.

The sun broke through for a few minutes on the way back. The storms arrived shortly after Forrest returned. It's been raining and blowing a gale ever since. It's always a good feeling to finish a long run before the weather turns nasty, able to enjoy watching it beat against the windows for the rest of the day. It's been wild.

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