A Day In The Life

By Irish59


First off, let’s get the “of mice and women” subject out of the way because surely that’s what’s most on your minds :) Nope, despite two traps baited and ready to go at bedtime last night, both were empty this morning. No setup errors (for you, Eunice) plus the peanut butter was still intact. It’s a mystery for sure because you, me and MrsP all agree there are more Brown family members to be had. The traps remain ready and able as we head into another overnight… • A couple more outdoor chores were done, and tulip bulbs planted. We hope to finish up the spring bulbs tomorrow • In search of a blip, I noticed something dark moving far out into the woods. I was pretty sure it was Newt. With a couple shouts of her name she turned and looked my way. Then off she went, galloping through fallen leaves and branches, leaping dead trees and tall rocks, looking more crazed and determined with every step. She’s such a character and makes me laugh. As long as there are no birds or chipmunks around, I really enjoy her company when I’m outside • I never knew of the controversy about what The Lone Ranger says: Hi Ho Silver or Hi Yo Silver. Apparently it’s both! • Away!

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