Live Music

Erika, Jesper, and Patrik, playing their concert, "Time and Music" as part of a "Music on All Saints Day".  There had been a choir concert earlier in the day at the cathedral and the weather was beautiful so I wondered if there'd be a lot of people for this concert. As it was I arrived there 15 minutes early and got one of the last seats in the place!  Good for the cafe, because nearly everyone bought something to eat, and probably good for the musicians who asked people to make a donation via their telephones.
I'd call their music light jazz. It was played and sung beautifully, and the three musicians worked so well together, with lots of eye contact and signals passing back and forth. Individuality and collectivism wonderfully balanced. 
These three play in many different constellations of musicians. So taday it was jazz, on other days it can be folk music, religious music, or baroque music.  Talented people who have had a very hard time during the pandemic.
Coming home Jan had cooked a delicious meal for our evening with Claire, Rose and the dog Rusty. A lovely time was had by all.

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