With One Eye Wide Open



Before anything else, a BIG THANK YOU for the 365th blip greetings I received. I truly appreciate you dropping by my journal and leaving your lovely comments. I know I really should get my arse back to regular blipping but a few more days and I will.

Work Update:

Thursday was my last day at work although I officially finish on the 1st of April. April Fool's Day of all days! How appropriate. New job will start on the 8th of April and I have a feeling I just jumped from the pot straight into the fire. The project is located in a mining town in Western Australia and i'm about to start on what they call a FIFO (Fly In Fly Out) job. It'll be interesting for sure I just hope I don't screw this up! 3 weeks of camp life and 1 week off for the next 6 maybe 9 months. I'm hoping and praying that it won't be more! Why am I doing this you may ask when a few months back I kept complaining about wanting a work-life balance??? Early retirement is the answer. :))

So in a few days I hope to get back into checking out your journals and getting back into commenting. I just need to wrap up a few things for the big move!!!

Oh yea, tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I'll take this opportunity to greet you all a Fabulous Easter!!! Whatever the day means to you, I hope you'll have an amazing one! :)

Meet Sam who is having her baby in a weeks time! My bet is she's having a girl and I've rarely been wrong in these things. :)

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