The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Old dog, new tricks

Evening all,

Firstly, thank you all for welcoming me back though not sure how often will pop in.
Update on family. Elder G continues to do her own thing with her Crohns and seems to manage OK. Younger G is having a tough time with hers, no small intestine at all now which comes with added problems with vitamin retainment and getting answers or progress is a constant arguement and problem. Seems all departments work for covid now.
Handsome Boy is in constant pain with his Crohns and us about to be launched onto a new immunosuppressive drug to calm his inflammation marker down (should be 50 or below, his is 600)

They're a constant worry.

And now this old dog is learning new tricks with a new is day one. Who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks lol :0)

I hope you all are doing well

Have a great evening
TTFN :0)

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