Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

The sun is shining

Time for some Vitamin D.

Was going to walk along the beach after lunch but the tide was coming in so couldn't get that far along and as we turned to go back to the path I noticed this thick cloud, it was much darker towards the hotel but hasn't come to anything.

Having a buffet-type supper tonight with Blaine's fav. things to celebrate his birthday this week; so have roasted some chicken, made some miniature stuffed baked potatoes and have some spinach and cheese squares in the oven, there was a requests for pizza and sausage rolls but I'll keep those for another to watch the cholesterol levels!!

Today I got news that someone in USA would like to buy one of my flower photos - although quite chuffed, I'm slightly embarrassed that someone would be willing to pay for one of my photos so not quite sure how to respond.

Got a hectic week ahead so hoping tomorrow will be a day of chilling.

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