SunRise in November

The view from the bedroom window.  So beautiful for about 10 minutes.  The day still turned out to be one of the most beautiful.  Red sky in the morning, sailors' warning...... but not so.

I seem to be a day behind in posting the pictures, but had a busy evening on Wednesday.  We went to another of the Southern Circuit Independent Films - This one was called Duty Free and was about a mother who was still working to support herself at 75 years old after raising 2 children on her own and always being able to provide for herself and them.  She was "let go" without cause and one of her sons, a journalist, made this film to document a "bucket list" trip they took together.  Elements of econimic insecurity in an aging population, age discrimination at a time of life when resources can be so limiting. It is available free of charge virtually if you're interested on the above site. Did I mention I love being so close to a University? 

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