
By WeeL


Well almost if it hadn't been for the two walls in the foreground! Mr WeeL is also perfectly symmetrical!

Accountants like symmetry - debits and credits!

Head is much better today but I think it was caused by a trapped nerve in my back which is now agony! Never mind!! I've got a Tiger Balm patch on which is helping.

I was out and about today with Mr WeeL and popped into the Kelvingrove Museum for a quick blip. Mr WeeL had never been but we didn't have time to let him read every information plaque in the place so I expect he will want to go back soon! We will probably need all day :( And when I say every information plaque, I mean every single one. At least the museum has a coffee shop!

Still on the rubbish laptop but I will try and make some comments tonight although it might take a while!

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