
By WiesoWarum

McPherson Library

Bought a new pillow today. Very excited not to wake up with a headache and a kink in my neck tomorrow morning. My old pillow was getting rather flat and lifeless.

In other news:
1. I did a last little bit of lab work (again), after real (money-earning) work
2. Went for a run around campus (didn't get attacked by the mystery man - probably shouldn't joke about that since some idiot was actually attacking runners)
3. Arrived at the library to study (then realized it closed in less then two hours)

I am OH SO looking forward to my day off from studying tomorrow (!!). Since it's a self-designated mini-vacation, I say it starts right...NOW.

I can't stop thinking about summer, when I'll be able to climb, hike and go on adventures whenever I want to

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