Up to date again

I went in search of a flu jab today. The second pharmacy I visited in Poppi had a dose but the new regulation to allow pharmacists to give the injections has run into something - its usually sand and lots of it in the Italian legal system.

I went to the local health centre to see if they would oblige me by sticking the thing in my arm as they had done last year. The nurse was lovely after the rather cold and harried receptionist and had me cheerily jabbed in no time. Ten minutes later she told me i could run along and get myself a panino as my arm hadn't fallen off.

I paid a quick visit to Angel the fish vendor and bought some rehydrated baccala' for my tea. I've never tried cooking baccala' and he suggested a number of recipes.

Then home in the rain to catch up on my Blipping activities.

The rain fell steadily and a courier arrived with a parcel for the next house along - something of a novelty for them to get this far along our track. I later it drove it around in the rain and had a coffee with Vittoria.

I'm now using a hybrid Blip posting methodology whereby I post the photo from my phone and then add the text from my computer.  The grim weather today has slowed the charge of megabits down to the disoriented wheeling of peewits on a bender (see previous entry)  and a degree of frustration was encountered.

Night fell early and as I turned the driveway lights on to close the gates to keep the wild beasts out I heard a strange cry - nonchalantly and with a certain repressed nervousness I forced the noise to  fit my definition of a tawny owl.  But as I neared the gate through the misting rain fading into darkness I thought I could see a figure standing motionless at the turn in the forest track ...(see previous entry The Rovere's Return: Chapter One)

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