George, the second

Don't usually change my journal entries, but as George and I were clicking through his birthday blips, it struck me that I hadn't actually posted a picture of him for his second birthday.

So here's his (very) belated second birthday blip, taken shortly before we left St Just Luzac to head into La Rochelle. Also here are the kids' holiday pals Florence and Alistair.

Big two-year-old

Original picture is here with the words and comments below:

Because our flight wasn't until early evening, after we'd packed the car we headed to La Rochelle, where there was an especially warm, friendly atmosphere on account of the Bastille Day celebrations.

Had a fantastic lunch, strolled around for a while and then headed for the plane - pausing only to enjoy this bunch, who were making a stonking funky racket (imagine James Brown played by jazz musicians on toy instruments and you won't be far wrong). Never heard a sax played to sound like a bass and a guitar at the same time.

After that, a largely fuss-free journey home. A great end to the holiday.

This looks like Princes Street during August. Love his drumkit. Wonder if his son is missing it yet?
~ brooksie
I like the little drum kit
~ dogwoodpuddle
A nice festive finish. I've enjoyed your holiday.
~ Northern
~ portobelloman
tres eccentrique est drole
un bonne snap

~ Flick
Great set of pics Red and a wonderful end to your hols. Bastille Day celebrations bring back a lot of memories - not all wince free!
~ seaurchin
Seems like a Grand finale on your journey!
Nice to have been presented to that part of France. I´ve never been there.

~ MissRAble
are they playing "happy 2nd birthday George"?
~ Orchid

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