A tribute

Monday 15th November 2021


My tribute to one of my favourite authors, Wilbur Smith, who died on Saturday.

I started reading Wilbur Smith at high school in English lessons. I knew he was one of my teacher's favourite authors. We had to take a book in to read during our lesson and my dad had "Sunbird". I took it in to impress my teacher! I must admit, the content was a bit of an eye opener! My teacher said if I enjoyed it he would lend me one of his, which he then did. Before long I was hooked and started my own collection of his books. Eventually I owned every one that he had written (there are more on the shelf above) and I eagerly awaited the next publication. As I prefer paperbacks I always had the agony of having to wait after original publication for the paperback to be released. 

I owned every book until Assegai but I found I struggled more with the last two and I didn't buy any more after that. In the last couple of years I have started to enjoy audio books last thing at night as my eyes are too tired to read, Two months ago I decided to purchase a Wilbur Smith book, picking up the Courtney series from where I had left off. I loved it and quickly followed on with the next in the series. How strange that I chose to pick up on his books just at this time, before his death. I will be making sure I read all the unread ones. 

I am looking forward to one day re-reading all from the beginning.

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