Liberty christmas windows

I try never to do anything about Christmas before my son’s birthday on December 2 but increasingly that’s hard and living in the country means that Christmas shopping needs to be done online or very local and there isn’t much in the village shop.   I was in Liberty at 10am to have my hair cut and then onto four back to back zooms through late morning and afternoon, with writers mainly but finally with lawyers.  

Straight shot home on the train to mackerel curry for supper which sounded disgusting but was actually delicious (thanks Gousto).  

For a thing I watched The Da Vinci Code on the train up and back.  I remembered the book as being holiday fun but the film is not good.  Amazing how tech has dated since 2006 (or perhaps not).  Favourite line, picked out by my colleague, ‘ I have got to get to a library, fast.’ 

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