Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Lazy start to the day, lovely :)

Training session this morning - inclusive conversations (unconscious bias) - good interactive training, open and frank discussions and shared experiences. :)

Midday, popped over to our daughters to let Poppy out in the garden for a comfort break - she wasn’t bothered! She likes her tummy tickled, which sometimes results in some leakage (sorry TMI). This is her looking lovingly at me, wanting a cuddle (which she got x). :)

Went on to AJs care home. To pick up some items for her (her teeth in particular!). Back home via a coffee shop collecting lunch and a snack. :)

Caleb happy to play after school. My sister has had a sort out, her grandchildren are getting older so the toys at her house are not played with, so they’ve moved to our house. Caleb was excited to have new toys to play with :)

Austin and mummy arrived, Austin shouting “dandad” giving dandad a big smile. Quick play and then they went home for tea. :)

Quick visit to AJ - she was looking good, had done exercises this morning, then a sleep this afternoon. She was grateful for some personal items. She’s got a lengthy scar, pain seems to be managed well. All appears very positive :)


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