Those were the day's my friend.

Just as we were due to leave the house this morning, me to go the gym, and J to Llandow to meet his mates, the phone rang. It was British Gas, to say the appointment we had booked for tomorrow for a service, was cancelled for emergency work. J is usually very mild mannered, but he was irate, and rightly so. The last appointment was also cancelled, and even worse was to come. We can't have it serviced until January 28th. The customer services lady apologized profusely, and then offered a £40 refund, but that wasn't what we wanted, we just want the boiler serviced before Winter sets in. Rant over, but this country is going to the dog's. I arrived at the gym a bit late, and it took me a while to calm down. The weather hasn't helped, it's yet again grey, wet and dark. I think I'll go hibernate.

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