Tracy's Take on Life.

By tracymcque

Temple Street Night Market.

A busy day today. First a trip to the movies to see Oz: the great & powerful in 3D. Luckily in English with Cantonese subtitles.

Then a spot of shopping in the adjacent mall.

At night I went to see 'The 39 Steps' at the HK cultural centre by a small theatre company. It was in Cantonese. Which I don't speak a word of. But I've see the film & play before so I was just about to follow what was going on. Was the only non-Chinese person there and I think they all thought I'd stumbled in to the wrong theatre by mistake....!

Afterwards I went for a wander around the nearby shopping areas - one of which is the famous Temple Street Market. Lots of stalls & eateries.

Saw lots today, and hard to choose which of the many photos I'd taken as my blip. But I plumped for this one - lots of colour & interest hopefully.

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