a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Likes to keep his beak clean

Its surely not a coincidence that robins appear on greetings cards around this time of year.  They are one of the less shy birds, but even so, when we  come across them in November and December they seem curious and almost actively interested in us.  Perhaps over time they've learned that we are a good source of food, partly as a result of our historic agricultural practices?

Be that as it is may, this little chap was a real nuisance as I tried to take his photo.  He kept trying to get closer as I tried to stay far enough away to get him at the minimum focusing distance of the long lens.  So I'd step back and then he'd follow, and repeat!  

As a result I've ended up with little time to decrease the aperture and gain a greater depth of field while we were dancing together as I was concentrating on not going head over heels backwards as I stepped on a garden implement or into a pond.  Still, while this won't win any prizes I rather like what the shallow depth of field does to the robin.

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