
By Missycat

It's Flower Friday!

Today's offering is a small bunch of, I think, lilies, picked up at a supermarket yesterday afternoon.  Featured in extras is an alternative flower in the shape of Stella-Rose who called by with her mummy when they dropped off Violet for the evening.  Violet helped grandpa check the Christmas lights (they take ages to check and then put up, so we have to start early) before we had a dinner of pizza and salad.  She was not much interested in the Children in Need telethon this evening, preferring to go to bed at a very reasonable hour, closely followed by ourselves.  Still feel distinctly below par, so early nights are called for.

In other news: Austria will be the first country in Europe to make vaccinations mandatory from 1 February 2022 and the they will go into full lockdown from Monday.  Anyone who thinks that this is over - it isn't.

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