New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Back in 'Burgh

Took a day trip to Edinburgh today just for a change of scenery.  Some Christmas presents bought and a quick look round the Christmas market (which is just the same as every other Christmas market anywhere).  We were hoping for a buffet lunch at an amazing sounding Indian resturant, but it was closed so we had a slightly dissapointing alternative curry whilst I sat out a migraine aura.

The sun came out and we got Pete some Whisky (Cadenheads, obv) and a donut and cinnamon roll for me, nipped down to Holyrood to see Nicola's hoose and finished the trip with a quick stroll up Calton hill for the obligatory Princes Street blip.

We tried out the new tram today, quite a lot of fun actually being on it rather than just being inconvenienced by the creating of it.  To be fair, I did think it would be more than just a single line to the airport and back...  Though we didn't realise there was rugby on and getting back to the park and ride we realised we were lucky getting there before the majority of the game traffic as there wasn't a single space to be found and some very 'creative' parking.  Oh, and Scotland won :)

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