A big day out! I was off at 8.30am to the wilds of Myrtleville - it doesn't sound that wild does it but it was in spectacular rolling landscape with huge views out to the sea. I had been invited by Deirdre to inspect a well. How could I refuse. Her friend Anne Marie was also invited and we rendezvoused for brownies and coffee before heading out to the enchanted well at Gortigrene meaning sunny field, I had tried to find this well before - at the end of a very long day, in the mizzle and it involved a long walk down a muddy pot holed boreen which got muddier and more spooky as I progressed. In the end I legged it! This time the sun was shining and Deirdre and Anne- Marie had hacked a path to the well which was in a spectacular setting above Ringabella estuary. I really don't know how they found it, the brambles were mighty. Astri the cocker/springer spaniel came with us and the first thing she did was leap in the well! There are many stories attached to this well and you'll have to wait for the blog to read them! And there was also a derelict building! 
We also found another well, identified by a farmer in wellies and a holey geansai, which was now cemented over but had been dedicated to St Bridget, and yet another which was also tanked yet surrounded by a little enclosure, left isolated in a ploughed  field.
How nice to meet mad  enthusiastic kindred spirits . Just home and hImself had prepared a curry = mmmm. Deirdre was off to a taster evening at a posh restaurant and Anne Marie had to rush home to watch the rugby - a good match according to Himself. Life in the fast lane.
A bath and an ealry night for me, I'm filthy!

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