Gill and Toby

The boys woke at 6 but played happily till we got up and got breakfast going. James wanted “Granny’s breakfast” (homemade muesli and yogurt ). Thomas wanted Full Scottish as he’d seen a picture of Ella having hers. He eats his breakfast one item
at a time - egg, then sausage then baked beans and finally fried potatoes. He tried the black pudding but was full by then. He didn’t like tomato and mushrooms.

While Mr C sorted himself out I packed up the boys’ stuff and made the packed lunches then they were off to the air museum 2 hours away in East Lothian in Scotland. The boys couldn’t believe they were going there without needing to get on a plane or boat (their other grandparents live in Northern Ireland).

For my 6.5 mile 16500 step walk I battled my way up 3 miles up the riverside into the cold wind to pick up Gill at Thropton and her 8 month old puppy. Tony was delightful - full of life and straining at his long long rein to explore.

I struggled on the steep path up to the moor - maybe I should have offered to have Tony - he could have assisted the arthritic knees. Gill walked part of the way back with me then headed back. It was good to see her and meet this perky pup.

Mr C is on his way home after what sounded like a successful day. Son-in-law drove up to Alnwick for the handover of the boys to save Mr C driving down to Whitley Bay then home.

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