Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Lava Heron

This is a lava heron, a heron that is endemic to the Galápagos Islands. Its legs and feet are red/orange because it is its breeding season. We saw this one in the Darwin Bay area on Genovesa Island

The first extra is a very young swallow-tailed gull chick. He was very bold and adventurous and I became obsessed with him. Or her.   ;-) 

In the afternoon we went up Prince Philip's Steps and saw lots of Nazca boobies (the next two extras) and then a short-eared owl (last extra), which was what we actually were looking for and we only saw it because the guide of another group found it and told our guide where it was. The Nazca boobies were dancing (some of them) and one dance actually culminated in bird porn! The owl was keeping his eyes closed and trying to ignore us.

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