Not quite

Beautiful cold crisp sunny day and we’d booked a session at a new dog run by the beach. Not quite what we’d expected….very small paddock (whilst a small yappy dog had a huge space nearby) and we were out of the sun so it was very chilly. Paisley dutifully ran for her ball and chased us around, but then A noticed some blood on her leg and realised she’d torn a nail. We mopped her up but that meant we didn’t get our walk on the deserted beach with the tide out which had seemed perfect when we saw it, but didn’t want sand in her wound.
Home via picking up some pastries and then got stuck into cleaning, food shopping and some cooking/baking and ironing which basically took up the rest of the day. A tried (again - perennial with her!) to dye her hair pink but in her care not to overdo it given what work might think she underestimated it and after spending an hour or more on it it looked just the same as before she started!
At dusk we decided we needed to get out for a walk and did a short loop in Holyrood Park. No other dogs so that was good, but by then it was drizzling so not so nice to be out. Still, we felt better for getting out and were rewarded as we headed home by a nicely glowing sky.
A didn’t feel she’d managed to do all she’d hoped today but I think we’ve done a lot, just perhaps not what we’d expected!

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