
I haven't bivvied out for a few months, being away or preparing for going away. But now I'm back and hunkered down for the winter, I'm getting back into the swing of things. Missing the warmth of the sun but learning to enjoy the light of the moon (almost like daylight last night!).

I chose a patch of bright moonlight at the very end of the garden. Dressed in many layers, warm socks and a hat so I was toasty and lay back to look up at the stars shining through the bare branches. I slept fitfully at first - but I always feel a little cheated if I don't wake up during a bivvy to notice the moon's progress and the changing light. It was so quiet and still - not a breath of wind and no sound until 4am when the first plane flew overhead and an owl hooted. I went back to sleep until 7 when I got up and walked the frosty labyrinth.

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