Life thru a blippin' lens

By James

Blackpool: Day 3 - Making Rock

Another early start for us. After breakfast at the B&B we headed out to get rock and stuff.

We came across this wee rock selling place up a back street that gave live demonstrations of how they make rock. It was really cool. This is the woman cutting up the big lengths of rock into small bars. She chopped up some little bits and passed them round for us to eat. The rock was still warm and chewy.. it was nice.

We then headed up to South Pier and beyond to see the new street developments and furniture. We saw the world's biggest disco ball, which looked really cool. Jaz didn't really see the point and moaned about walking so far to see a glitter ball. She told me that she had a few small glitter balls at home and that I was welcome to take as many pictures of them as I wanted and that if I took it close enough, it would look huge, but no, I made her walk and we went to see it. It was worth it.

We then went for lunch and jumped into the car and came home.

What a great weekend.. I'm absolutely nakered, but it was worth it.

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