Warm Hug

Three weeks ago, we ordered the tiles for the kitchen.  Last week, we phoned the DIY.  They'd already mailed the manufacturer to inquire.  Yesterday, we phoned again and were told that the manufacturer informed them that the tiles were no longer being produced and there was no stock.  AW and I agreed that somebody should have mailed or phoned us.  No fuss, we went there again today to sort it out and look for other tiles.  They didn't have any other that we would have liked.  But... !  They did have these very huggable child-sized bears for sale!  One is practically my size!

Anyway, the DIY itself referred us to another shop a short drive away, a tile specialist, so off we went, found another design, and ordered on the spot.  It should be in in a couple of days.  AW's back was so bad at one point that he sat down while I looked around, but we did decide together, and I hope they will suit.

The Genetic Disorder MOOC is a load heavier than I had anticipated, but I am going at it at a steady pace.  A new MOOC began yesterday as well, but I would like to finish this current one first.  Some housework in between, and AW played sundry bridge online.  His usual Tuesday evening live bridge cannot meet due to the restrictions, which have been revived, and the Tuesday group hasn't planned any online activity.

I am slowly getting used to the idea that I will not have my own car by February next year.  Will still go on the hunt but it will slow down, for sure, but I guess that will be okay.  My crystal ball is very quiet these days, except for the occasional 'I told you so'.

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