Good enough to eat

I have a routine in the morning.

I get up.



Go downstairs.

Clean cat eating area.

Feed cats.

Empty dishwasher

Load anything needing loaded

Make tea for himself

Make Coffee for me.

Dry hair

Sit down for thirty minutes.

Head to work

Today could not drag myself Out of bed;
Himself got up first and took over the wake up routine.

At the weekend we got the cats new food- meat plus a tasty crunchy bits topping Yum

When I eventually got down stairs cats were bouncing round kitchen.

Himself looks at me: cat food was funny eh? Just all crunchy bits.

He fed them the whole packet of crunchy bits laced with whatever it is that makes cats bonkers - it was supposed to last them another 10 packets!

I had to top up with dreamies this morning.

They’ll be even more bonkers

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