Heading to work (Day 2391)

My day started with a trip to town for stuff for the en-suite. I paused on my way through to Orphir to get a quick snap of the view.
Things didn't go entirely to plan and I messed up cutting the first sheet if wet wall. With two sheets left I though I would get them done before heading to get a replacement, but the walls being out of square and not plumb made it far more difficult than anticipated. I had a late lunch driving to town for more wet wall, which turn d out to be just as much of a struggle to for as the first two sheets.
With the wet wall finally done, I stripped out the basin, loo and radiator ready for new stuff to go in tomorrow.
There was only a very brief sighting of my beautiful wife as I headed off to work this morning. I have been left unsupervised while she is on a 24 hour shift.

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