Friggin Anne Frank-in

Phase 1 Day 27. Outdoor workout, reading and two liters done. Progress photo is always done before 5 in the morning and although there were a lot of days/times I really did not want to, it has in reality helped in mood setting. Fake smiling does lead to actual smiles. Not that smiling in progress photos is a requirement but it should be a cause of gratitude that even after difficult days, you are still alive and able to get up and wear something as simple as a smile.
My right leg is a little sore and the weird looking blisters behind my lower left leg are still yet to heal but definitely not an excuse to not get my self imposed step count and "fail" today. There are people without their right/left leg who are still able to run marathons and there are a lot of senior citizens  across the globe who has completed the 75Hard Live Hard Year. In this context, my minor discomforts and my self inflicted shackles should not ever hinder me from accomplishing goals.
Read about a brief insight into Winston Churchill's life. Although I often come across his name in the past, never really knew who he is. Apparently, he is labeled as one of Britain's great leaders who never gave up despite and inspite of adversities. What's interesting is how he kept a routine even during Christmas, how he made himself do physical activities (bricklaying), how he made time for solitude via painting and reading and how he was also a family man who has maintained a healthy sense of humor.
Photo is of an unknown weed/flower in our backyard that I usually ignore during brisk walking. Like Churchill , may we (despite the numerous times life has knocked us down) not lose sight of the real essentials and have room enough to appreciate beauty in all its forms.

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