
By nicky

Shelf life

A last minute photo of a shelf in the lounge, taken just before bed-time, with some pots that I made at my pottery class a few years ago now, some dried flower heads, and one of dad’s sculptures. I hope I feel able to return to the pottery class next year because I miss playing with clay - maybe after Easter. Looking at the photo, I realise there are also a pile of Christmas cards from last year which I was going to check through for anything I need to take note of (new addresses, etc) but clearly have forgotten to do - I should probably do that before this year’s start to arrive, if indeed any do! People are gradually giving up sending cards but although I’ve cut down the number I send, I don’t feel ready to stop altogether yet - I just try to make sure I only buy cards that are completely recyclable, ie no glitter or foil. Which reminds me, I need to check what’s left over from last year before starting this year’s writing. Add it to the list!

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