
By Mover

Horror in the Bay

Today the speaker at the Museum was Adam Nevill, who lives locally. Adam is a best selling author of supernatural horror.
I arranged the talk though I had never met him until today, having learned about him from a pamphlet called Writers on the Riviera. There he is alongside Agatha Christie, Charles Darwin, Sean O’Casey, James Joyce, Charles Kingsley, Oscar Wilde, and others with connections with Torbay. Adam turned out to be a thoroughly nice, charming human being, utterly dedicated to writing. His books have been made into films, particularly The Ritual. In a question and answer session he gave a very interesting insight into his life and work, and the drive, research, and talent that is necessary for success.Top man. It’s a niche genre with a world wide following but he is at the very top. The  Guardian hailed him as Britain’s answer to Stephen King but this is a tag Adam does not like. He came across as a modest man who preferred to be known by his own unique style.

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