Tom Zimmerman

By Zimmt54

Gibb, 1999 - 2013

1999 -
Over breakfast one morning , my wife and I were talking about what breed of dog we should get. Her research made her want an Australian Shepard. I wanted a Border Collie. In the classified section of the morning paper was a small ad for a puppy that was a 50/50/50. An equal mix of both, and 50-bucks. I was on my way to the airport for a business trip, and called from the car. A gravel-voiced cowboy answered, "Got one left. Better get'em today, cause I am going to a rodeo tomorrow and I know I can sell him there." I shared the message with my wife. Unknown to me, after school, she packed the kids in the car and drove 50-miles to a ranch to pick him up.

When I got home, this scrawny 7-pound mutt with ears like airplane wings was a surprise birthday present. The kids named him Gibb. For the first two-years he was a bad, little punk. But he grew into a smart, obedient charmer loved by everyone.

As often happens to large dogs late in their life, Gibb suffered a series of abrupt convulsions over the weekend. Our vet kept him stabilized and comfortable for 36-hours. My wife, daughter and I were with him in his hospital pen when he closed his eyes and passed away.

This is a photo of a framed print in our home ... a reminder of our graceful companion who will be in our thoughts forever. Gibb led a dog's dream of a life. Gibb photos.

This morning I will be walking alone.

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