
Sunny but windy and cold all day. We were up so that hubby could be at BJs when they opened at 7:00 am. God was with him because some wonderful person found his wallet and turned it in to the manager. They tried calling us but we still had our disconnected land line on file. After that, nothing could rain on our parade. We went through our travel checklists, finished packing and getting the house ready for our departure. I made muffins and scones for breakfasts and did laundry. We had to be in town at the stage for Skylar’s performance before 5:00 pm. All roads around town were closed to car traffic so we had to walk almost a mile to get to the town square. Thankfully, Kristen was able to save us two front row seats. That walk was hard on hubby’s knee and my knees and hips are still screaming. I dressed in layers and was warm but folks were freezing out in the cold wind. The crowd loved the dance troupe’s performance and Skylar did a bang up job as the Grinch. We left as soon as the show was over to go enjoy Mancil’s 16th birthday. I think he and Maddie look adorable in matching lounging pjs. They set dinner at 7:00 pm so we could get to both special occasions. Kim’s hubby is quite a cook. We have one more load of laundry and then it’s definitely bed time. Thanks for the visit. Be sure to find enjoyment in each day. Happy weekend folks! “Celebration has many different outfits but she always wears the same beautiful dancing shoes.” - Mary Anne Radmacher

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