Camelus bactrianus.....looks a bit pi**ed off, doesn't he?  He just shooed away his kid who was leaning on him and he didn't like it much. Dad camels can be irritated quite easily and he has the teeth to back up his threats. Mostly, the teeth are used to fight other males for breeding rights.
Native to the steppes of Central Asia and can be distinguished from the Middle-eastern/African camel, the Dromedary, by having two humps. It is untrue that the humps store water. They store fat...the more fat, the more erect the hump becomes. As fat is used in times of lean, the humps droop.
Most people are unaware that camels originated in North America and ancient fossils have been found in what is present day Arizona. They migrated north across the ancient land bridge and became the bactrian camels of Asia who then migrated to the Middle East and Africa and evolved into the dromedary.
They also migrated to the south into the Andes mountains and farther south and evolved into the vicuña and guanaco from which the domesticated alpaca and llama were produced.
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