
Is the world getting hold of you? Is your life becoming a round of  drudgery and a mere figure? Are you becoming a mere machine -something with movement but without a mind? Do troubles and sorrows and worries press you unduly? Then go and find these woods and vales and moors and get your hearts ease there.
That is the introduction in these yearbooks which are among my prize possessions. Each one is a miniature work of art, containing detailed information about the year’s walks, maps, poetry, articles, and photographs. See extra They first appeared in 1901., shortly after the Sheffield Clarion Ramblers, who were socialists and rambling friends was formed.

Today was the AGM Of our club, Torbay Rambling Club. We are now 51 years old.
I was thinking of the  Clarion  today when we met up again with our old friends after a long break due to you know what.
I don’t  think that Sheffield ever had a meeting like ours in the Isadora Duncan room of the Redcliffe Hotel. The top table was in front of a huge window with the sea behind it. Sea and sky were a deep blue. Close to the shore, and the hotel terrace, there were hundreds of gannets in a feeding frenzy on the churning sea. I wanted to interrupt and say, ‘ Point of order Chair, but could you sit down please, and adjourn the meeting so we can all enjoy the amazing sight of a force of nature.’ 
Bird of the day- gannet

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