Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Diet Update
Todays weigh in: 11 st 7 lbs
Lost: Nothing
Update: Don't mind that I have stayed the same, I have eaten chocolate.

I wont mention the relevance of the title but the people in the photo will understand.

As if I did an event! I went to Lauren's 18th birthday party and was the photographer, a perfect opportunity to whip out my studio lighting and actually get good use out of it, even if it only meant I was taking pictures of her family.

This is Kimberley and Shaun who are very sweet together but also it was the last photo I took. So I thought hey, why not make it black and white just for the kicks. My feet were in agony because I had already been to work earlier that day.

I hope everyone's having a lovely long weekend!

Happy Blipping.

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