Brother from another mother

A chilled start to the day - coffee in bed with the 8,30 livestream. Early afternoon we went to a beach meet up as a farewell thing for James and Rich. It was sooo cold and windy though, there was sand in absolutely everything. But lovely to see the guys and see some other folks the kids had fun! Couldn't resist a pic of these 2, so cosy arm in arm. They have a lot of love for each other (this is Chris who owns Nude Café). 
Home to finish prepping stuff for the kids at church tonight. We created advent candles (the ones where you burn a little each day until Christmas) and decorated holders for them. They all enjoyed it which was good. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having a good time with the kids tonight...Roma kids are full on (the ones that I know anyway!) but so so wonderful. 
2) A video call with Amanda and Juliette.
3) The livestreams from SCBC. 

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