Teeny Weeny .......

...... white flowers!

I have no idea what they are ...... I hope someone will be able to tell me.

I found these tiny little flowers growing in the gutter ........ they only come half-way up the kerb ........ the blooms are less then 5 mm in size! They look very pretty ..... do hope you like them :-)

Have been busy clearing up the garden ........ also setting cucumber & lettuce seeds ready for Summer ..... that's if it ever comes. Have got to get some tomato seeds so we can get them started as well ...... that's a job for Wednesday. I've also got to re-seed my wildflower garden .... but it was so windy today I thought the seeds would probably end up everywhere else ....... so that will have to wait.

Do hope you have all had a really good weekend :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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