
By memento

The big hose down

As you may or may not know, South Africa is hosting the 2010 Soccer World Cup. The extensiveness of the construction to accomodate the many international visitors is staggering. Between the larger cities we traveled, there is hardly an inch of highway that is not being widened and improved.

Our wonderful family visit ended today :( and on the somewhat somber drive to the airport we encountered this water truck :) Road construction is a dusty affair and this tanker's job is to spray water from huge hoses to keep the dust down. The layer of fine, red African dust is clearly visible, even in this picture. Lots of water, huge hose, what else would one paint on such a truck but an elephant!

We're facing a ten hour flight followed by an eight hour and a one hour flight to get back home. Argg. I'll need a big hose down after that.

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