
By scotguide

It’s that time of year again!

Here I go again knitting these wee trees! Easy peasy, hoping to sell some for charity !

It’s been a chilly overcast damp kinda day!

Cleaning day in the lodge, no one booked to stay this week so extras will be done!

Quick visit to the local supermarket, the village was so quiet! Nit many venturing out on this chilly day!

A webinar this afternoon with some of my guiding colleagues, then a blether with school pal in Florida,

There are many places in the in the UK that have had no power since the storm in Friday evening, Storm Arwen is being called the worst storm for many a year! The more I hear of the devastation close by Auchterarder, I am so thankful somehow we missed the worst! Fingers crossed the power will be back in soon.

A fine day !

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