Some Colour

You can tell it's been wet the whole day.  On and off but mostly on.
You might also be able to tell that I miss the road.  I don't need to cross a border, but a windmill would have been nice.  They're out there, no doubt waiting for better weather, too.

Finished Mary, Queen of Scots... what a life that was.  Executed by the first Elizabeth but direct line ancestor of the second Elizabeth.  I don't think any of the three ever thought that would happen.  Life is often strange, no?

No Tuesday evening online bridge for AW as the Tuesday group lost their mojo and don't feel like organizing anything digital.  Can't blame them.  I did get a brief email from the Viking -- the new judge is busy ploughing through all the paperwork left behind by her predecessor and is working on a new schedule of hearings, which will most likely commence after the New Year.  Short text chat with Mimi, who wondered if it was possible that the previous judge would whisper some 'ideas' into the new judge's ear, and I said I very much doubted that, as he would instantly betray himself if he opened his mouth, as well as run the risk that she would tell on him.  She will come across our Motion to Inhibit, of course, and draw her own conclusions.  I continue to wait patiently.

Souvenir T-shirt from Hamburg.  Of the cities you can see here, there are three I have yet to visit, all in the south-east.  One fine day...

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