Eleven Months

Almost a year in bloom, except for the month of June.  It started in December last year, and the flowers that came out then didn't fall off till the end of May.  These ones came out in July and they're still here.  From this angle, it looks like an angel's wings.

AW turned on the lights and took the pot down from the window sill behind so that I could shoot it properly -- the highlight of the day!  It has been 'druilerig' the whole time.  And while AW observed online bridge most of the day and played in the regional games in the evening, I played my own games... and opened my final MOOC for the year, about measures that will help us prepare for the time when world population will have reached 10B.  It seems a long way off, but I guess as with many other things the time to act is now.

The tile guy phoned today... he's coming tomorrow!

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