Down the Ireland Road (Day 2400)

Work this morning was through in town, ripping out a loo and replacing it. A relatively straightforward, simple job one would think. Today was more.complicated though, the cistern was boxed in and had been leaking for a long time, so the plasterboard behind it crumbled at.rhe slightest touch. The wooden boxing was slimy with wet mould and falling apart. The customer had bought a loo which is supposed to fit against a unit which would house the cistern, but the unit will be fitted with the rest of the bathroom sometime next year. Cutting out the rotten boxing and bits of flooring seemed to upset the neighbour who hammered on the wall for a while. I only really noticed the noise they were making when I turned off my power tools and removed my ear defenders.
The customer just wanted a loo which flushed reliably, so I have done a bit of an ugly patch up job to keep them going until the bathroom is done.
Home for lunch, I missed seeing my beautiful wife's as she zoomed off to do stuff and things. We passed each other again as I zoomed to the afternoon job out in Orphir. I stopped on the way to the boiler servicing job to take a snap of the view down the Ireland Road.

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