And she saw that it was good

Good, not perfect. It's always a work in progress. Happily the wild fowers are starting to bloom. The bees and I are smiling. :-)

Today I wanted to start to get on top of the back part of my garden. There was winter frost damage to clear and a couple of shrubs aren't doing so well.

My favourite leptospermum (an Australian form of manuka) is badly affected by sooty fungus mould. My Clianthus (kaka beak) was frosted and since then it's struggled with leaf health. I'll need to find out more about what each needs.

Any hoo, 5 hours later and I can definitely see where I've been. I've generously carried buckets of stinky seaweed feed around the back too.

Two days goes quickly. Yesterday's volunteer work always made a morning trip on the hills doubtful. I fell decompressed and that's what my heart and soul needed.

Today's gratitude: For enjoying my garden. It's not just a place of work.

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