In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Family Profiles'

I've seen this done very well before, unfortunately not by me tonight though.

Thought I'd give it a shot, and I've learnt a hell of a lot trying to do this.

1. Need to have LOTS of time to do do this any justice
2. A proper backdrop is a must to be able to properly edit out around hair etc.
3. Loads of patience required (didn't have it tonight)
4. Spend more time setting up the shots with the final image mapped out (unlike how I've approached this tonight)
5. Spend more time getting the lighting correct.

Anyway, here is my first feeble attempt for what's it's worth. It was either this or our little mouse in it's glass house and not great either.

So here is the Rosewarne clan profile.

PS, thanks everyone for love bestowed on yesterdays blip, you've made it my second highest rated shot so far. Love to all.

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