Well, this doesn't fit the theme for today......but in truth, I tried to post this shot Saturday, in color, as I spent the day shooting a wrestling tournament. Somehow after processing I missed a step in coverting from RAW to jpeg. But it had the .jpg designation so I thought it was OK.
I uploaded and it loaded well. Then I tried to publish it and it all went POOF!  Just disappeared. Nothing! Nada! Gar nichts! I tried to upload it again but was met with "you have already uploaded a file today...try another day!"
So I tried again and uploaded to Sunday..."another day."  SAME THING! Then I finally noticed a window that indicated that the jpeg I uploaded was an "illegal" and "unrecognizable" jpeg. Dunno why but that's what it is.
So I went back to the original RAW file and re-edited it. This time I was sure I had done it the right way. So I tried to upload the re-edited file to Sunday. You guessed it....."you have already uploaded a file today...try another day!"
ARRRRRRGH!  There is no reasoning with algorithms and no way that I could find to undo what had been done. Big sigh!  I decided to convert to B&W and upload on MonoMonday...even though it does not fit the theme for the day....rhymes with PIE. However, I did spend some time trying to find a rhyme for PIE in the photo. I drew a blank. Perhaps there are some Blippers out there who are better rhymers than I am who can make this photo fit the theme.  
The challenge has been made.
Best in Large.

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