Growing old disgracefully



Early post this morning, as I am off out into the garden to make the most of this splendid day. I have never captured him before as I am usually sleepily eating my breakfast when he calls. Not a wonderful shot as it is through the window - I lust after a a mobile and centrally heated bird hide.


Got another veg bed ready, planted out lots of foxgloves and dianthus, fed and mulched the raspberries, made a start on the tax return, phoned some perspective students and then cycled to the post office to post a wee wooly hat to someone special on the other side of the Atlantic. Only a couple of miles there and back, but it was the first time on the bike this year and it felt good. Out this evening to our monthly practice group - so refreshing to be with this group of people.

Thinking how grateful I am today for this busy, purposeful life, with all the warm, exciting, interesting connections to people. I recalled the words of an elderly person that I met in my 30s. She said, 'The older you get, the more opportunity you have to increase your circle of friends, and the more you realise that it is connection and kindness that matter above all.'

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